2014-№1(42) Article 2

A.A. Kolesnikov

The formation of personal self-determination in foreign language students. P. 17-29.

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UDC 37.032 + 372.881.1 + 37.025


The article centers on the issue of development of students’ sociocultural self-deter-mination. The object of the research is the system of continual philological education (foreign languages) in the context of global multiculturalism. The system of continual philological education is viewed through the prism of person-centered paradigm. By philological education the author understands continuing education which covers high school (10–11 grades) specializing in foreign languages and some philological subjects, higher education (032700 «Philology» and 035700 «Linguistics»), and postgraduate education (international internships, refresher courses). In his research the author of the article relies on three principles of person-centered education: – the principle of student personality aimed at the formation of personal self-determination; – principle of continuing and multilevel education; – principle of educational medium and its impact on students. The research rests on the theory of communicative personality. The author analyzes the role of cognitive, communicative and activity aspects of a personality in the formation of students’ self-identity and self-determination within the framework of foreign language learning. The author shows the role multicultural educational media (in the conditions of formal, informal, and occasional education) plays in the development of self-determination at major levels of educational attainment. The author centers on the levels of high schools specializing in foreign languages, linguistic institutions of higher learning, and postgraduate education.  


Philological education, foreign language learning, subject of self-determination, self-identity.   



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