2014-№1(42) Article 4

N.N. Yelistratova

The formation of information culture in foreign students of military higher educational institutions of the ministry of defense  of the Russian Federation by multimedia technology. P. 37-51.

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UDC 378.416


The paper centers on the formation of information culture in foreign students of military higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation with the help of multimedia technology. The paper treats the structure of foreign students’ information culture and deals with the peculiarities of information culture development by multimedia technology. It also treats computer characteristics essential for the educational needs of modern higher schools. The paper maintains that modern information technologies can serve as an educational media aimed at the development of thinking, aesthetic taste, and research skills. The paper lists a number of basic didactic principles of educational multimedia technologies. It also deals with the laws of creating multimedia didactic aids with the help of system design.


Information culture, multimedia, educational process.



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