2014-№1(42) Article 5
N.N. Teslikova
Innovation technology in the Russian language and speech standards classroom as a means of developing law students’ communicative competence and creativity. P. 51-59.
UDC 372.881.161.1:378
The paper treats the use of innovation technology in higher educational institutions and their role in professional training of lawyers. Today the significance of lawyers’ language proficiency is indisputable. The author maintains that realization of integrative approach to education allows to broaden educational horizons of the course «The Russian Language and Speech Standards» and to form socially significant qualities of law students. The research is conducted within the frames of the communication-activity approach aimed at improvement of students’ communicative and language competences as well as at their linguistic aesthetics formation.
The realization of integrative education presupposes the development of students’ language skills on the basis of specially prepared didactic materials which reconstruct authentic situations. To teach students to use the Russian language for academic and professional purposes the teacher creates the situation of authentic communication, prepares situations communicatively significant for law students. Participating in business simulation games, students attain practical experience, which is linked with theoretical tasks and generates a comprehensive system of knowledge and skill. The article describes an experimental application of such methods and forms of teaching as grammar modeling, linguistic analysis of a text, business simulation games, case study, reflection, training technologies (business communication training, personal development, communication skills), etc.
Innovative pedagogic technologies, educational process activation, education effectiveness, learning activity, case study, business communication, competence.
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