2014-№1(42) Article 8
I.M. Erlikhson
Religious and moral aspects of humanity in European social and political journalism of the late 17th – early 18th centuries (Pierre Bayle and Bernard Mandeville). P. 79-93.
UDC 111:21
The paper provides a comparative analysis of philosophical and religious views of Pierre Bayle and Bernard Mandeville, eminent philosophers of the new time, in the context of sociocultural thought development and sociocultural situation of the Early Enlightenment. Pierre Bayle was born in France but had to migrate to the Netherlands because of religious persecution. Pierre Bayle devoted himself to the fight against prejudices and social stagnation. Bernard Mandeville, a Dutchman of French origin, moved to England and, enjoying the culture and the language of the country, decided to stay there for good. In England Bernard Mandelville became notorious for his original pamphlets. The article focuses on P.Bayle’s and B. Mandeville’s interpretation of the following issues: the interconnection of faith and morality, atheism, freedom of conscience. The comparative analysis shows the continuity of Bayle’s and Mandeville’s ideas on key religious issues as well as their inner inconsistency.
Philosophy, religion, morality, freedom of conscience, paradox, Europe, New time
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