2014-№2(43) Article 3
O.A. Belova
Problem of motivation and its display in hearing impaired children. P. 25-36.
UDC 612.666:61.6-092.11
A brief review of the literature on goal-directed behavior, motivation and emotion, as well as the views of scientists on the concept of motivation and emotion in the development of behavioral responses. Shows the biological significance of motivation, relationship and manifestation in the ontogenetic aspect, especially in children with impaired auditory sensory systems (different types of hearing loss and deafness). Contains the results of studies of primary school pupils in special (correctional) boarding – school for the deaf and hard of hearing students in the degree of prevalence of positive and negative motivation, and level of anxiety.
Motivation, emotion, derivation, purposeful behavior anxiety, developmental characteristics, the level of motivation.
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