2014-№2(43) Article 9

I.Yu. Zharova

The author and the characters in Arseny Sukhanov’s «Proskinitaria». P. 97-108.

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UDC 821.161.1


The article focuses on the analysis of the author and the characters of «Proskinitaria» by Arseny Sukhanov. It analyzes the peculiarities of the author’s manner of depicting characters and his means of expressing authorial judgment. The analysis of characterization through characters’ actions and the analysis of the organization of narrative discourse reveal the presence of the author. The leading principle of characterization is syncretism. All characters can be classified into static and dynamic, positive and negative ones. But there is no direct authorial judgment, which is an innovation. The article maintains that Arseny Sukhanov’s «Proskinitaria» reflects inspiration from baroque movement, which is manifested in rejection of artistic conventionalities and in individualization of characters.


Arseny Sukhanov, author, character, Proskinitaria, itinerary.



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