2014-№2(43) Article 10
A.A. Reshetova, O.S. Topolova
The provinces in A.V. Saltykov’s «Travel observations of a Traveler to Sarepta». P. 108-116.
UDC 821.161.1
The paper analyzes the peculiarities of provincial culture development in the late 18th century, as reflected in travel literature of the period. To analyze the image of the provinces, the author of the article examines descriptions of Ryazan noblemen’s and peasants’ everyday life in Count A.V. Saltykov’s «Travel Observations of a Traveler to Sarepta». The itinerary is analyzed through the prism of the concept of the provinces. The author analyzes the manifestations of new Europerized lifestyle of the Ryazan province, focusing on theatre development. In the late 18th century theaters were quite widespread in Russian provinces, which coincides with the flowering of sentimentalism in Russia. The author centers on noblemen’s and commoners’ passion for the theater and on the role theaters played in people’s moral development. Count A.V. Saltykov’s «Travel Observations» present versatile data on theatres in Ryazan, where the traveler arrived in July of 1797. In 1797 in Ryazan there was the Redoute Hall for nobility balls and masquerades and the Opera House which had been designed for theatre performances by a Ryazan architect I.Sulakadzev. The main part of A.V. Saltykov’s «Travel Observations» is devoted to the description of Ryazan noblemen and their lifestyle. A.V.Saltykov’s itinerary highlights the contrast between the capital and the provinces strengthened under the influence of rational and sentimental ideas of the Russian Enlightenment of the 18th century.
Travel observations, itinerary, provincial culture of the late 18th century, Russian travel literature, Ryazan.
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