2014-№3(44) Article 5

G.A. Agapov

Аnglo-portuguese alliance during the Caroline war (1369–1396). P. 43-51.

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UDC 942:946.9


The article focuses on the role of Anglo-Portuguese Alliance during the second phase of the Hundred Years’ War. Anglo-Portuguese Alliance is viewed against the background of the rivalry between Castile and Portugal, which followed Bertrand du Guesclin’s march across the Pyrenees in 1369 and the establishment of the Trastamar dynasty. The accession of Henry II of Castile triggered off a series of wars against the new dynasty, Portugal being the most dangerous rival. Both Ferdinand I of Portugal and his heir John I, the founder of the new Avis dynasty, rivaled the Trastamar dynasty. During the 1370-1380s Portuguese-Castilian rivalry influenced the war between England and France. Franco-Castilian reunion enhanced the alliance between England and Portugal, which was manifested by John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster’s march across the Pyrenees in 1386. The increased role of the countries of the Pyrenees in French-British rivalry was recorded in the Treaty of 1396, which concluded the second period of the Hundred Years’ War.

John of Gaunt, Trastamar dynasty, John of Avis, Castile, France, Henry II of Castile



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