2014-№3(44) Article 6
O.I. Galkina
The British press on German colonial invasion in Africa in 1880s. P. 51-60.
UDC 943.083(05)
The article maintains that the British press of the 1880s was greatly interested in German colonial policy in West-Southern, Western, and Eastern Africa. The major part of newspapers served as mouthpiece for financial, industrial, and colonial circles in defining Great Britain’s spheres of influence in Africa. The majority of British newspapers shared the government’s attitude to German colonial invasion of Africa. The article characterizes the role of press in the formation of public opinion towards imperial rivalry of Great Britain and Germany in Africa.
Great Britain, German colonial policy, colonial rivalry, sphere of interest, British press, The Times
1. Contemporary Review [Text]. – 1890. – Vol. 58.
2. Daily Telegraph [Text]. – 1884. – 22 Oct.
3. Edinburg Review [Text]. – 1890. – Vol. 172.
4. Fortnightly Review [Text]. – 1889. – Vol. 45; 1890 – Vol. 48.
5. Hale, O.J. Publicity and diplomacy with special reference to England and Germany. 1890–1914 [Text]. – N.-Y.; L., 1940.
6. Kennedy, P.M. The Rice of Anglo-German Antagonism, 1860–1914 [Text]. – L., 1980.
7. Morning Post [Text]. – 1890. – 26 June.
8. Nineteenth Century [Text]. – 1887. – Vol. 21.
9. Porter, B. The Lion’s Share: A Short History of British Imperialism, 1850–1983 [Text]. – L., 1985.
10. Postgate, R., England goes to press: The English People’s Opinion on Foreign Affairs as Reflected in their Newspaper since Waterloo [Text] / R. Postgate, A. Vallance. – N.-Y. (Indianapolis), 1937.
11. Punch [Text]. – 1888. – 6 Oct.
12. The Times [Text]. – 1884. – 6, 25, 26 June; 20, 25 Aug.; 8, 15, 27 Sept.; 10, 15 Oct.; 19 Nov.; 2, 15, 20 Decr.; 1885. – 1, 10, 26 Jan.; 23 March; 12, 24 June; 1887. – 27 Apr.; 1888. – 28 March; 8, 17, 18, 28 Sept.; 27 Oct.; 2 Nov.; 1890. – 30 May.