2014-№3(44) Article 7

L.V. Arkhipova

Technical education in Britain of the 19th century: from apprenticeships to technical schools. P.60-65.

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UDC 942.074


The paper provides a retrospective analysis, which encompasses the formation and development of British technical education starting with the 18th-century workshops and finishing with the late 19th-century technical schools. The analysis of literary memoirs provides illus-tration of brutal exploitation of child laborers as a negative side of the 19th-century apprentice-ship. The paper describes the implementation of an idea of introducing technical and labor education into curricula of primary and secondary schools, which was suggested by a British chemist G.Roskoe and a well-known politician A.Acland. The paper presents recommendations of two advanced committees on technical education headed by B.Samuelson and F.Mangus, and used by a conservative government led by R.Salisbury, a pioneer of education law, which was designed to promote state technical education system..

state technical schools, trade skills, industrial school, apprenticeship, private technical schools



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2. Salimova, K.I. Istoriya trudovogo obucheniya v Anglii [Text] [The history of labor education in England]. – Мoscow: Education, 1967.
3. Blincoe, R. Memoirs [Text]. – Manchester, 1832.
4. Bennet, C.A. The History of Industrial Education from 1860 up 1917 [Text]. – L., 1963.
5. Report of Royal Commission of technical education [Text]. – L., 1880.
6. Report of Royal Commission of technical education [Text]. – L., 1889.
7. Sanderson of Oundle. New education [Text]. – N.-Y., 1926.
