2014-№3(44) Article 8

T.V. Fedoseeva

Ya.P. Polonsky’s work: a modern view. p. 66-83.

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UDC 882.09


The paper analyzes the contemporary state of studies of a Russian poet Ya.P. Po-lonsky’s literary heritage. The paper advocates the use of various approaches recently elaborated by humanitarian studies. The focus is laid on dialogic, author-centered, and axiologic approaches. The paper underlines the importance of such fundamental approaches as systematization, generalization, summarizing, thematic expansion, actualization of research methodology. Ya.P. Polonsky’s poetry is viewed against the background of national poetic tradition (oral poetry, old Russian poetry, modern and contemporary Russian poetry). The paper substantiates the necessity of analyzing Ya.P. Polonsky’s works within the framework of anthropocentric and christocentric approaches. The paper maintains that close reading and intertextual analysis should be accompanied by contextual analysis.

Russian poetry, Ya.P Polonsky’s work, literary tradition, creative dialogue, anthropocentrism, xhristocenrism



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