2014-№3(44) Article 9
A.V. Shapurina
F.I. Tutchev’s natural philosophical poetry in the context of the poetics of the 1820s–1830s. P. 84-95.
UDC 882(09)
The articles views F.I. Tutchev’s natural philosophical poetry against the background of the poetics of the 1820s–1830s. Being a proponent of Romantic thought, F.I. Tutchev is generally labeled as a “follower of German poetic tradition”. The analysis of F.I. Tutchev’s poetry against the background of the literary context of the 1820s–1830s, allows one to trace the features typical of Russian romanticism. F.I. Tutchev’s schellingism is treated as a romantic understanding of the world. The comparative analysis of F.I. Tutchev’s and V.A. Zhukovsky’s landscape poetry reveals the continuity of tradition. The article maintains that F.I.Tutchev’s poetry is unique and is characterized by the originality of depicting the real world and expressing emotional and intellectual experiences.
romantic tradition, schellingism, German poetic tradition, philosophy of artistic consciousness, natural philosophical poetry
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