2014-№4(45) Article 7
I.S. Tryahov
The housing crisis in the Vladimir Region during World War II. P. 56-64.
UDC 94(47). 084.8 «1941/1945»
The article focuses on the shortage of housing during World War II on the example of the Vladimir Region. While observing that modern historians are interested in the issue of WWII housing shortage, the author maintains that the issue was suppressed and avoided by Soviet historians. The author focuses on the factors that contributed to WWII housing short-age, analyzes the dynamics of changes, and investigates the measures undertaken by the gov-ernmental institutions to improve the situation. The author maintains that WWII housing dete-rioration was triggered off by mass migration from the Nazi occupied territories and the mobi-lization of rural dwellers for urban work.
Urban dwelling, communal life, communal apartment, evacuation, World War II, housing department
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