2017 №1(54) Article 10
V.I. Shlykov
Under the banner of Allah towards the Turkish war of independence: Islamic institutions in the national campaign of 1919–1923. P.78- 88.
UDC 956.0/.6
The article analyzes the role of Islamic institutions and Islamic factor in the Turkish War of Independence (1919–1923). The research focuses on the role of Islamic institutions in mobilizing human, material and financial resources for the needs of the Turkish National movement led by Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk). Islamic institutions played in important role in securing the victory of Mustafa Kemalʼs followers. They employed religious rhetoric and Islamic symbols to win peopleʼs support of the Turkish War of Independence. They relied on local clergymen (ulema) and other religious authorities to communicate their ideas to the people, to secure material and financial mobilization to meet the needs of the Turkish National Movement. Ulema played an important role in organizing and institutionalizing the Kemalist movement, in establishing human rights organizations, in consolidating and coordinating the patriotic forces, in establishing political institutions of the Turkish Republic. Supported by ulema, Mustafa Kemal managed to neutralize the aggressive discrediting attacks of the sultanʼs government and to secure the maximum consolidation of the Turkish society and to ensure support of his policy of total secularization and the nationalization of Islamic institutions.
Turkish War of Independence, Turkish National Movement, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, Kemalists, Islamic institutions, secularization.
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