2017 №1(54) Article 11
E.V. Popova
Benazir Bhuttoʼs road to power. P. 88-95
UDC 954.9
The paper analyzes Benazir Bhuttoʼs political development. It focuses on her hard road to power and the factors that allowed her to become a female Prime Minister and to head a Muslim majority nation. Benazir Bhuttoʼs personality was shaped by her family under the influence of western democratic principles. Being a young woman, Benazir often attended her fatherʼs political meetings and conferences. Her father, a prominent Pakistani politician Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, played an important role in Benazirʼs character development. The 1977 military coup dramatically changed the girlʼs life. After her father was hanged, Benazir became the leader of the Pakistan Peopleʼs Party to fight the radical regime. Being the leader of the opposition, she was repeatedly arrested. In emigration, Benazir continued leading the party. When she returned to Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto became an independent politician and represented hope for many Pakistanis. Benazir Bhutto had to overcome a lot of difficulties to become the first woman to head a Muslim majority nation.
Leader, personality, opposition, Pakistan, Pakistan Peopleʼs Party, politician, Prime Minister.
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