2017 №1(54) Article 16
O.I. Kirdyaeva
Peter Ackroydʼs “The last testament of Oscar Wilde”: the transformation of the Mythologemes of portrait, Mephistopheles, and garden in Oscar Wildeʼs “The picture of Dorian Gray”. P.140- 147.
UDC 821.111.09
The mythologemes of portrait, Mephistopheles, and garden are the central ones in “The Picture of Dorian Gray” and are crucial to the understanding of Oscar Wildeʼs worldview. The mythologemes are elaborated by Oscar Wilde to acquire new senses. The article shows the transformation of the mythologemes of portrait, Mephistopheles, and garden in the post-modern novel “The Last Testament of Oscar Wilde” written by Peter Ackroyd. Oscar Wilde is the main character and the narrator of the novel. Peter Ackroyd uses the five categories of trasntextuality defined by Gerard Genette (intertextuality, paratextuality , metatextuality, hypertextuality, and architextuality) to create a character who fails to see the difference between fiction and real life. The article underlines intertextual relationships between Oscar Wildeʼs letter “De Profundis” and Peter Ackroydʼs novel “The Last Testament of Oscar Wilde”. The author uses the three literary works to trace the transformation of the mythologemes of portrait, Mephistopheles, and garden.
Intertextuality, mythologeme, Oscar Wilde, Peter Ackroyd, postmodernism.
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