2017 №1(54) Article 18

E.V. Tega

The dialectic of light and darkness  in Jeanette Wintersonʼs novel “Lighthousekeeping”. P.154- 163.

UDC 821.111-31.09“19”


The paper analyzes the dialectic of light and darkness in the novel “Lighthousekeeping” by a modern English writer Jeannette Winterson. Like Shakespeare, Goethe, Bulgakov, the author shows the interconnection between light and darkness, good and evil in the world and human nature. Jeannette Winterson doesnʼt treat light and darkness as abstract categories, she uses personification to endow them with human features. Following Virginia Woolfʼs tradition, Jeannette Winterson depicts light and darkness as vivid entities. The novel focuses on a lighthouse, a metaphor of light containing darkness. In her novel, Jeannette Winterson juxtaposes the darkness of the physical world and the darkness of a human soul. Jeannette Winterson uses allusions to R. Stevensonʼs and W. Goldingʼs works to show that all characters have both light and dark inside them. Jeannette Winterson uses Jungʼs concept of archetypes, the concept of original sin, the concept of the Tower of Babel. The paper maintains that relying on literary and psychological heritage Jeannette Winterson shows her perception of a human being. Every character has a right to choose between light and darkness.

 Shadow archetype, Tower of Babel, Jeannette Winterson, spiritual blindness, original sin, light, darkness.



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