2017-№3 (56) Article 16
E.S. Mikhaleva
The Conceptual Representation of Fear in Short Stories by Ambrose Bierce. P.123- 130
UDC 821.111-32.09«20»
The paper analyzes the representations of the concept of fear in short stories written by Am-brose Bierce. The paper underlines the necessity of employing conceptual analysis when investigating Ambrose Bierceʼs literary works. The paper analyzes 104 short stories written by Ambrose Bierce in dif-ferent periods of his artistic career (the analysis relies on the original version of the texts). The analysis focuses on textual representations of the concept of fear in three groups of short stories: civil war stories, horror stories and tall tales. The author maintains that it is important for Ambrose Bierce to render even subtle nuances of this emotion. The paper analyzes the representation of fear in the American writerʼs short stories, the author maintains that fear can be inexplicable, existential and motivated by circum-stances. The author analyzes spatial and temporal characteristics of fear in Ambrose Bierceʼs short sto-ries. She underlines the importance of color in creating the concept of fear in the writerʼs works. The au-thor analyzes the ways of depicting the concept of fear in short stories.
concept, image, psychologism, horror story, chronotope.
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