2017-№3 (56) Article 19

V.A. Krivtsov, A.V. Vodorezov

Relief as a Factor Predetermining the Structure of Territorial Resources of the Ryazan Region. P.147-

UDC 551.4(471.313)

The relief of the Ryazan region is treated as a part of territorial resources used for all kinds of economic activities. The article analyzes the position of agrogenic soil in regional morphological com-plexes. It also analyzes the morphogenetic elements of relief as an important territorial resource of the Ryazan Region. The article shows that the expansion potential of arable lands in interfluve plains (sec-ondary till plains and glacial till plains with clay loam mantles and sabulous clay) with brown-gray soils and chernozem soils is almost exhausted.

territorial resources, relief, interfluve, regional morphological complexes, secondary till plain.



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