2018 №4 (61) Article 9

A.A. Tesalovsky, Yu. M. Avdeev 


UDC 336.211.1(783)(09)

The article focuses on peculiarities of border demarcation in South Dakota in the process of the Public Land Survey System formation as a surveying method developed and used in the United Sates. The article briefly discusses the essence of the US Public Land Survey System. Land demarcation works in South Dakota took 33 years and were performed by various land surveyors and land managers. In 1859, the first border between South Dakota and Minnesota, which from then on was considered a state, was marked. The border was partly a watercourse, partly a meridian of longitude, and partly a parallel of latitude. The second border was marked on the south in 1876 when Nebraska became a state. The border was partly formed by a watercourse and partly by the 43rd parallel north. In 1882, the south border was changed, for Nebraska acquired an area from Dakota Territory. The western border was marked between South Dakota and Montana in 1877 and was formed by the 43rd, 44th, and 45th parallels north. In 1885, the western boundary of South Dakota was marked to run along the true meridian. The border isn’t perfectly straight and has a 1400-meter-long area perpendicular to the true meridian. The northern border of South Dakota was marked in 1891–1892. The article discusses tools used by land surveyors and land managers to mark land boundaries. It also discusses various boundary markers, including border stones used to mark boundaries. It describes border markers and stones used to identify the start of a land boundary or the change in a boundary. It provides information about their substitution and about their present state.


Public Land Survey System; boundaries of three states; land demarcation; the Louisiana purchase; border marker; measuring chain




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