2019 №3 (64) Article 2

O.R. Ayrapetov


UDC 947.084.21

An unsuccessful coup attempt led by the Russian Supreme Commander-in-Chief General L. G. Kornilov resulted in a predicament for his supporters. Many navy officers and army officers showing loyalty to the Commander-in-Chief or even suspected of being loyal to him were assassinated. A. F. Kerensky, though formally triumphant, found himself in political isolation. Having accepted Soviet assistance, A. F. Kerensky rendered himself weaker. He decided to appoint General M. V. Alekseev, who was really popular among officers, Chief of Staff of the General Headquarters. M. V. Alekseev accepted the post hoping to save L. G. Kornilov and his retinue. On one hand, Alekseev managed to prevent massacre in the town of Mogilev where the General Headquarters was situated. But on the other hand, A. F. Kerensky took advantage of M. V. Alekseevʼs popularity and managed to provoke hostility between M. V. Alekseev and L. G. Kornilov, which affected the situation in the beginning of the Civil War in the south of Russia.

Russian army; Russian Revolution, Russian Provisional Government; High Command General Headquarters; Kornilov affair


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