2019 №3 (64) Article 11

Csaba Katona


UDC 940.48(439)

The article treats the significance of journals and memoirs for the research of World War I. The author underlines that private journals and memoirs are an important source of reliable information about significant events in history, World War I, in particular. While official documents unveil political, diplomatic, and social aspects, private documents enable a researcher to understand people’s motives, the feelings they experienced finding themselves dragged into military actions. Analyzing military journals and memoirs, the author focuses on events which reveal people’s national mentality, the clash of individual perception and official propaganda, the images of “friends” and “enemies”, new social experiences imposed by the war and viewed through the prism of different social status, age, and education. The author highlights changes in mood associated with military successes and failures. The author maintains that the analysis of journals and memoirs enables a researcher to get a more comprehensive view of historical processes.


World War I; military journals; memoirs; social analysis; military anthropology


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