Chekalev-Demidovsky P. S.

The Road of Life, or the Ice Road Winter Transport Route:   Evacuating People from Leningrad. The Winter of 1941–1942 Р. 61-72.

UDC 947.085.1(470.23-25)

The article focuses on the construction and operation of the Road of Life, an ice road over Lake Ladoga that was used to evacuate the population of Leningrad from the besieged city. Motor vehicles from Moscow and Leningrad were used for evacuation purposes in January 22 — April 15, 1942. The author of the article uses archival materials to analyze the transport situation in Leningrad during the first winter of the siege. With the beginning of military actions, all Leningrad transport enterprises and Leningrad transportation authority started working for the needs of the army. Many motor vehicles were upgraded to be sent to the front. The citizens of Leningrad were mobilized. Many buses were converted into ambulances to treat the wounded. Vehicle repair shops were organized. Children and adults were evacuated. In autumn 1941 the transport situation deteriorated due to the decrease in the number of working buses, the reduction of technicians, and the shortage of fuel. However, transportation workers from Leningrad and from Moscow did their best to ensure civilian evacuation from the besieged city.


motor vehicles; the siege of Leningrad; World War II;  the Road of Life; Lake Ladoga; the Defense of Leningrad



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