2020 №2 (67) Article 6
Valov T. V.
Russiaʼs Mass Privatization in 1992–1994 (on the materials of St. Petersburg). Part 2. P.59-67.
UDC 338.«1992/1994»
DOI 10.37724/RSU.2020.67.2.006
The article analyzes the so called voucher privatization (1992-1994) and focuses on its realization in the territory of St. Petersburg. The article characterizes Russian property reform as it was seen by its initiators and analyzes its limitations and disadvantages. The article traces the origin of the concept of privatization, analyzes its legal basis, its major laws and patterns. The article analyzes the dynamics of privatization policy against the background of the social and political situation in the country. The article analyzes the parliamentary attitudes to the initiated reforms. The article analyzes the consequences of privatization for economic and social spheres of Russian life.
voucher; enterprises; privatization; manufacturing; reforms; St. Petersburg; Chubais
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