Review procedure

Submissions are received according to the following schedule:

for issue 1 (March) – till January 1 of the current year

for issue 2 (June) – till April 1 of the current year

for issue 3 (September) – till July 1 of the current year

for issue 4 (December) – till October 1 of the current year

All manuscripts submitted for publication must go through the review process. All manuscripts are reviewed by PhDs (either Doctors of Science or Candidates of Science) who have agreed to be members of the Editorial Board and to peer review submitted manuscripts. Members of the Editorial Board are from different countries and cities, they are affiliated to different higher education institutions and research organizations. Peer reviews can only be performed by members of the Editorial Board.

All manuscripts submitted for publication are checked for plagiarism. It is also assessed whether they conform to the research spheres covered by the journal.

The Chief Editor or any other authorized person should check submitted manuscripts using the Rukontekst anti-plagiarism software to assess the originality and to avoid plagiarism and self-plagiarism.

Articles which do not conform to the technical requirements or which contain less than 80% of original content are returned to their authors with an explanation specifying the reasons for rejection within 10 days after receipt of the article.

After that manuscripts are sent to a member of the Editorial Board or an Invited Expert.

The reviewer is obliged to peer review the manuscript within 60 days.

The Editorial Board can perform scientific or literary editing of submitted manuscripts, reduce them if necessary (having previously discussed this with the author) or, if the article touches upon an interesting issue, it may be sent for improvement.

If the article is believed to require improvement or not to comply with the requirements of the journal, the author is notified that it is necessary to improve it or that it is rejected.

An article can be accepted only after it has been improved and recommended for publication.

Articles that have received a positive review are to be published in the nearest issue. The journal is obliged to publish the article no later than four months after the receipt of a positive review.

The Editorial Board has a right to introduce stylistic (if they do not change the meaning), grammatical, punctuation and spelling corrections to the original text.

When the review procedure is over, the author of the article is informed that the article is accepted and is given the issue number and the time of the publication.

Original reviews are stored for 5 years.

Copies of reviews are sent to authors.

Copies of reviews are sent to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation if required.
