Krivtsov V. A., Vodorezov A. V., Nikiforova E. M.
The Assessment of Tourism and Recreation Attractiveness of the Meshchera Lowland Geomorphological Region (Ryazan) P.130-142.
UDC 379.85:551.4(470.313)(251)
DOI 10.37724/RSU.2020.68.3.014
The authors of the article single out the relief forms and relief form complexes of each of the four subregions of the Meshchera Lowland Geomorphological Region (Ryazan). The article assessesthe tourism and recreation potential of tourist and recreational facilities and adjacent territories. The research shows that recreationally attractive objects experience extreme anthropogenic load and the tourism and recreation potential of such territories is rather limited due to some specific natural peculiarities. The article singles out some prerequisites for the establishment of various types of recreation facilities.
relief; Meshchera Lowland; tourism and recreation attractiveness of the relief; tourism and recreational potential of the relief; recreation facilities
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