Tsemenkova S. I.

The First Mapakers of the Ural Mines: Mikhail Silych Kutuzov. P. 7- 15.

UDC 528.9(470.5)(092)

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2020.69.4.001


The article attempts to reconstruct certain episodes of life and work of a well-known Ural mapmaker Mikhail Silych Kutuzov (1704–1741). The analysis of his paper legacy, which includes official documents, as well as other visual (maps, drafts, plans) and textual (reports) sources, enables the author of the article to investigate Kutuzov’s life and work as a representative of Russian gentry of the epoch of Peter I.


history of the Ural mining industry; history of mapmaking; Mikhayl Silych Kutuzov; Vilim Ivanovich de Gennin; Russian nobility



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