Rodriguez-Fernandez A. M.

Islamism in the Political Strategy of Pakistan (Late 20th-Early 21st Centuries) P. 78- 83.

UDC  297:32(549.1)«19/20»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2020.69.4.009

The article treats major trends of Pakistan’s domestic and foreign policy in the late 20th — early 21st centuries. The governmental strategy that was formed in the aforementioned period was prepared by the two or three preceding decades and still prevails in an overt or covert form. It should be noted that during the period there was a military coup (October 12, 1999) and the new military dictator Pervez Musharraf underlined the necessity to revive the economy of the country and to create Muslim democracy. It signified that by suppressing antigovernment extremists the new government favored Political Islamism, covertly supported the Taliban movement in Afghanistan and tribal sovereignty along the Durand Line. An important characteristic of the period was the coalition of the Islamists and the pro-English military elite. The ulama provoked social unrest and civil disobedience while the army usurped the power and enabled radical ulama to acquire high posts in the government.

The article analyzes various documents collected by a Pakistani researcher Aalim and dealing with the contemporary political, social, economic, ethnic and confessional situation in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

The article also analyzes bibliographic notes of an American expert S. Power and a Pakistani official Ph. Shotois about the military leaders of Pakistan and the reforms initiated by the Pakistan government in the 20th — early 21st centuries.


military coup; Radical Islamism; regional isolation; political situation; ethnic confessional strife


  1. Aalim B. G. Threatening Storm. The Documentary Issue. — L. : A. CFR Book, 2006. —184 p.
  2. Alilzad Z. Afganistan : The Next Phase // Perscepions. — 2000, Dec. — Pp. 5–6.
  3. Bensussan H. Nature et Resnonsabilite // Le Monde diplomatique. — 2003, Dec. —N 573. — 3 p.
  4. Lories P. S. Vie et Liberté // Les Echos. — 2002, 11–12 Juilt. — Pp. 3–4.
  5. Power С. A. Military Liader and a Reformer // Newsweek. — 2001, 10 Febr. — Pp. 3–4.
  6. Shottaise F. Reform is a Long Process // Newsweek. — 2002, 19 Febr. — 2 p.
  7. Shyder D. The Saving of Pakistan? // The Economist. — 2002, 19 Jan. — 5 p.