Yermachenko I. O.

  1. N. Kokovtsov and the Russo-Japanese Society in St. Petersburg (the then Petrograd): Investigating Historical Lacunas P. 29-39.

UDC 94(470.23-25).083

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2021.70.1.003

Abstract. The article focuses on the investigation of a prominent representative of the ruling elite of late Imperial Russia, a minister of finance and a chairman of the Ministerial Council V. N. Kokovtsov and his role in the foundation of the Russo-Japanese Society in St. Petersburg (the then Petrograd) in 1911–1917. When attempting to assess the minister’s personal and professional qualities, his role in history, and his policies, modern historiography often neglects this episode in the minister’s life. However, without due consideration of the aforementioned activities, performing which Kokovtsov managed to juggle secrets and publicity and which became his primary concern after retirement, the minister’s political biography seems incomplete. Kokovtsov’s interest in the matter can be traced back to Russo-Japanese rapprochement before World War I. Due to his administrative experience, his personal authority and credibility, Kokovtsov managed to recruit numerous members of the political, religious and cultural elites both in the capital and elsewhere. The organization promoted the development of trade and cultural cooperation between the two countries, hence the cooperation with the Japanese-Russian Society in Tokyo and with leading Japanese politicians and courtiers. V. N. Kokovtsov’s personal qualities and his diplomatic abilities were a valuable asset. The author of the article underlines the importance of investigating archival documents and periodicals of the early 20th century, which have never been investigated before, in order to shed light on the underinvestigated but undoubtedly important episode in Kokovtsov’s biography.


Keywords: history of public organizations in Russia, international trade and cultural cooperation, Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, problems and methods of historical and biographical research,  Russo-Japanese relations, Russo-Japanese Society in St. Petersburg (the then Petrograd), Japanese-Russian Society in Tokyo.


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