Avramenko V. I.

Soren Kierkegaard’s Philosophy and its Influence on French Existentialist Novels P. 128-136.

UDC 141.32(489):821.133.1-312.1

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2021.70.1.013

Abstract. The article treats the prerequisites for the transformation of French existentialist novels in the middle of the 20th century. Soren Kierkegaard’s philosophy is used to show the connection between philosophy and existentialist poetics. The author of the article maintains that French existentialist writers were influenced not only by the Danish philosopher, but also by the latter’s method of philosophical inquiry. The author singles out some characteristics of the method: philosophical inquiry develops parallel with literary development, literary and philosophical patterns intertwine and complement each other. The method of philosophical inquiry and the peculiarities of existential philosophy determine the peculiarities of philosophical novels. The direct presentation of ideas typical of classical philosophical novels is no longer required, philosophical expressiveness prevails over philosophical description. The characters of existentialist novels no longer need to philosophize, philosophical problems don’t have to be set. The materials of the research can be used to create textbooks and manuals on French and foreign literature, to create lectures and seminars in literature in higher education institutions, to write term papers and graduation papers.


Keywords: S. Kierkegaard, philosophy and literature, philosophical novel, existentialism, existentialist novel.




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