Tikhomirov N. V.

International Relations in the Russian Feudal State in the 16th Century as Represented in History Textbooks in the USSR  (in the Late 1930s — the Early 1960s)           P. 76-86.

UDC 371.671.11(47)«193/196»:94(47)«15»

DOI: 10.37724/RSU.2022.75.2.008

Abstract. The article focuses on the representation of Russian international relations in Soviet history books published in the late 1930s – early 1960s. The aim of the article is to investigate factors influencing a change in the perspective from which the historical process is viewed, to explore the evolution of guidelines used by the authors of history textbooks. The investigation performed by the author of the article throws light on the changes in historians’ attitude to the description of international relations within a multinational state.

A comparative analysis of history textbooks shows that historians tended to view historic events through the prism of patriotism. Marxist historians rejected M. N. Pokrovsky’s assessment of the historical role of Russian people and introduced a historical model aimed at highlighting the role of national collaboration. The article is meant to enable researchers to better understand the peculiarities of the development of Russian history in the Stalin era. The results of the investigation can be used by historiographers and history teachers.

Keywords: historical concept, historical education, multinational state, Russian state, history text-book.



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