Galkin P. V.
Military Hospital Trains of the All-Russian Zemstvo Union during World War I Р. 33 –40.
UDC 94(47).083
DOI 10.37724/RSU.2022.76.3.004
Abstract. The article investigates efforts undertaken by the All-Russian Zemstvo Union in order to relocate and provide medical assistance to sick and wounded soldiers during World War I. The article focuses on the medical staff of the All-Russian Zemstvo Union’s military hospital trains whose functions were regulated by the Statute on Military Hospital Trains issued by the then Minister of Defence in 1912. The All-Russian Zemstvo Union equipped three types of ambulance trains: mobile medical centres, ambulance trains equipped to transport wounded soldiers to the rear for aid and hospitals on wheels functioning in rear areas. There were ambulance trains accommodating pharmacies, disinfection units, dental cabinets. All financial expenses associated with the exploitation of military hospital trains were covered by the Ministry of Defence. Statistical analysis of the Zemstvo Union’s military hospital trains movements shows that the majority of trains cruised in the West and transported lightly wounded and sick soldiers. A comparative analysis of the statistical data on the number of trips made by military hospital trains of the Ministry of Defence, the All-Russian Zemstvo Union, the Russian Nobility Association and the All-Russian City Union shows that in 1914–1916 the Zemstvo Union’s military hospital trains evacuated a quarter of all wounded and sick soldiers.
Keywords: Zemstvo Union’s military hospital trains, medical assistance, World War I, All-Russian Zemstvo Union, sick and wounded soldiers.
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