Panyashin A. A., Zakharova O. V.

The Influence of the English Revolution of the 17th Century on Thomas Hobbesʼ Political Philosophy. To the Issue of Historical Significance  of a Thinkerʼs Ideas and Philosophies Р. 70 –78.

UDC 94(410)«16»:32(410)(09)

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2022.76.3.008

Abstract. The authors of the article have analyzed the potential influence of the English revolution of the 17th century of Thomas Hobbesʼs philosophy. The article characterizes methodological approaches  to the investigation of philosophies as historical and cultural phenomena. It underlines the necessity to investigate philosophies against the background of the epochs when these philosophies were created. The article underlines that historiographers treat Thomas Hobbesʼs political philosophy both as a unique phenomenon and as a phenomenon characteristic of English and European cultures. The article analyzes Thomas Hobbesʼs views on the nature of a human being, which underlines the importance of governmental control. The article focuses on the religious aspect of Thomas Hobbesʼs philosophy as an important element of the theory

of sovereignty. The article analyzes historiographersʼ views on Hobbesʼs political philosophy and shows that the philosopherʼs idea of the natural condition of mankind is a complex abstract phenomenon. The authors treat C. B. Macphersonʼs belief that Hobbesʼs philosophy concerns capitalist society where everyone is able to exert power without destroying society. The analysis of “Leviathan” and the context contemporary  to Hobbes shows that Hobbesʼs philosophy is interconnected with the philosophy and economy of the time. The article maintains that Hobbesʼs political philosophy is formed under the influence of aristocratic views. The analysis of the first dialogue of Thomas Hobbes “Hippopotamus, or Long Parliament” shows that some ideas of Hobbesʼs political philosophy are historically significant.


Keywords: Thomas Hobbes, English revolution of the 17th century, concept of state in political philosophy, human nature, religious aspect, historical philosophy, category of natural sate, abstract character, aristocracy, economic life of society.



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