Lyubarskiy R. V.
Carlos Castanedaʼs Concepts in Viktor Pelevinʼs Novel “Secret Views of Mount Fuji” Р. 92 –103.
UDC 821.161.1-31.09«20»
DOI 10.37724/RSU.2022.76.3.010
Abstract. The exploration of the influence of Carlos Castanedaʼs works on Viktor Pelevinʼs works is relevant, for the issue of conventionality is of great research interest. The implausibility of Pelevinʼs works is viewed through the prism of artistic methods that are used by modern writers to create an unlikely universe. The issue of secondary artistic convention is characterized by a new approach to the use of esoteric elements in postmodern novels, including novels by Carlos Castaneda, which accounts for the relevance of the research. Castanedaʼs influence on artistic conventionality can be seen in Pelevinʼs novel “Secret Views of Mount Fuji”. The aim of the article is to investigate the novel “Secret Views of Mount Fuji” through the prismof Castanedaʼs artistic influence. The object of the research is the implementation of Castanedaʼs views in the context of a secondary reality. The article analyzes the artistic embodiment of such concepts of Castanedaʼs fictional universe as “stalkers”, ”Eagle emanation” (as an element of Buddhist philosophy of dhyanas), “bestowing awareness”, and “devouring” in magical feminism fiction. Pelevinʼs deity lives in Castanedaʼs art-of-dreaming universe. The author concludes that Castanedaʼs ideas of en-dowing one with awareness and depriving one of awareness undergo some transformation in Pelevinʼs works. The author underlines that Pelevin uses Castanedaʼs esoteric ideas to ridicule gender superiority as a leading feature of feminism.
Keywords: Viktor Pelevin, secondary reality, Carlos Castaneda, stalking the stalkers, “Secret Views of Mount Fuji”.
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