Dolgova N. V.

The Modifications of the Homo Scribens Image in M. A. Bulgakov’s Satirical Works     Р. 140 –

UDC 821.161.1-3.09«19»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2022.76.3.014

Abstract. The article focuses on the Homo scribens motif in M. A.Bulgakov’s literary works. The rel-evance of the research consists in the fact that the issue is underinvestigated. The aim of the research is to uncover major characteristics of Homo scribens and to analyze the image in M. A.Bulgakov’s satirical works. The research shows that in Bulgakov’s works there are many characters whose main function is text production. Among these characters there is a scientist/writer, a pseudo-writer, a journalist and a snitch. All these characters perform their own functions. Being a pivotal element of a work of fiction, the image of a scientist/writer has plot-propelling functions. The main characteristic of a true Homo scribens is his reality-creating gift. The modifications of the Homo scribens image are devoid of this gift and are represented in a satirical way. The author maintains that M. A. Bulgakov’s journalist, reporter, and feuilleton writer cannot create an adequate picture of the world. Journals and magazines function as generators of fake information, as places where people demonstrate their jealousy and destroy their opponents. A special place in Bulgakov’s axiology is occupied by snitchers. The results of the research can be used when dealing with Russian literature of the 20th century and M. A. Bulgakov’s literary works. The materials of the study can also be useful for researchers who deal with communica-tion science, literature and journalism and investigate mass media processes in literature.


Keywords: Russian literature of the 20th century, M. A. Bulgakov, literary works, motif, satire, newspaper.



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