Blokhina N. A.
Sankin Dmitry Nikiforovich: Being a Philosopher Р. 162 – 173.
UDC 1(47)(092)
DOI 10.37724/RSU.2022.76.3.016
Abstract. During the last years of his life, Dmitry Nikiforovich Sankin (1923–1986) headed the Department of Philosophy at Ryazan State University named for S. Yesenin (the then Pedagogical Institute). Like a drop of pure water, Sankin’s biography reflects all the milestone of Soviet history, such as dekulakization (repression of prosperous peasants), World War II, the Komsomol, high social status of a scholar and a philosopher. Sankin adhered to the philosophy of Marxism and Dialectical Materialism. His most prominent research is his doctoral thesis titled “The Structure of Marxist-Leninist Philosophy” (1971). In his doctoral thesis, Sankin maintains that Marxist philosophy is a logical extension of world philosophies. Speaking about the coherent character of Marxism, Sankin says that the main element of the philosophy is the idea of Dialectical Materialism about society — Historical Materialism. He believes that Dialectical Materialism is a constantly developing system of knowledge and is not confined to some historic period and has the potential of becoming a philosophy of the future. The analysis of Dmitry Nikiforovich Sankin’s doctoral thesis shows that despite some minor problems, his work is a significant contribution to the elaboration of conceptual and methodological issues of Dialectical Materialism.
Keywords: Dialectical Materialism, history of philosophy, Dmitry Nikiforovich Sankin, systematic character of philosophy, structure.
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