Kozlyakov V. N.

The Evolution of the Church Court in Russia in the First Half of the XVII Century P. 7 –19.

UDC C94(47).045

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2022.77.4.001

Abstract. One of the complex and “most disturbing” (B. D. Grekov) issues of church history is the problem of changes in the sphere of church court after Stoglav in 1551 and the adoption of the patriarchate in 1589. In addition to internal church changes, the relationship between the state and the church was influenced by the events of the Time of Troubles early 17th century This article is devoted to the study of the jurisdiction of the ecclesiastical court in Russia in the first half of the 17th century. The untried letters of commendation to patriarchs, metropolitans and bishops, issued after the Time of Troubles, are considered. Particular attention is paid to the letter of commendation to Patriarch Filaret on May 25, 1625, which granted the patriarch the right to judge the clergy and people of the patriarchal estate “in all administrative and spiritual matters”. Similarity and differences in the charters of the 1620s to Novgorod and Kazan’ metropolitans, Ryazan and Kolomna archbishops are emphasized. Documents on the relationship between church bishops and governors, who also had the right to local judicial power, are being studied. The characteristics of the “Church-Judicial Determinations” — the compositions of the Novgorod Metropolitan Cyprian are given. The paper analyzes the changes in the implementation of the church court that appeared in the early 1640s and in connection with the adoption of the Law Code of 1649. The article concludes about the ordering of the court with the people of the church, the “equalization” of judicial rights on the claims of service people and the desire to limit church jurisdiction exclusively to the affairs of the spiritual court. The work may be of interest to historians studying the problems of the evolution of the church court in Russia in different historical times.


Keywords: Church court, letters of commendation, spiritual affairs, Patriarch Filaret, Metropolitan Cyprian of Novgorod, Law Code of 1649.




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