Krylova E. N.

Peddling Newspapers and Journals in Russia in the Early 20th Century     P.27 –33.

UDC 94(47).083

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2022.77.4.003

Abstract. The article treats the issue of peddling newspapers and magazines in Russia in the early 20th century. The article focuses on the peddling trade in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The aim of the research is to identify types of peddlers dealing with periodicals. The analysis of available sources enables the author to identify four different types of peddlers who sold and distributed newspapers and journals in big cities of the Russian Empire. Thee author concludes that the laws regulating the peddling trade were rather inconsistent, hence there appeared different forms of peddling in big cities. The obtained results can be used to prepare lectures and seminars on Russian history and history of journalism.


Keywords: Printing House of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire, peddler, distributing newspapers and journals in Moscow and St. Petersburg, newspaper subscription, selling newspapers in the early 20th century, Rules of Newspaper and Magazine Peddling, Charter of Publication Censorship.


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