Minkova K. V., Smirnova A. D.
The Obama Administration’s Policies and the Trump Administration’s Policies toward Taiwan P. 71 -82.
UDC 327(73:529)«20»
DOI 10.37724/RSU.2022.77.4.008
Abstract. The article treats the US policies towards Taiwan in 2009–2011. In many aspects, the Obama administration’s policies and the Trump administration’s policies were similar to their predecessors’ administration’s policies. The US leaders continued providing weapons to Taiwan. However, unlike B. Obama, whose policies had been aimed at collaborating with the island, D. Trump started developing military and diplomatic relations with the Republic of China. During Trump’s presidency, the amount of weapons sold to Taiwan grew significantly and the USA eased constraints on official exchanges with Taiwan. US-Taiwan relationships were predetermined by US-China relations, the personality of the acting US president and the views of the Taiwanese president
Keywords: USA, Taiwan, Taiwan Problem, military collaboration, US-Taiwan relations, Asia-Pacific, Obama administration’s policies, Trump administration’s policies.
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