Yamskih G. Yu., Makarchuk D. E., Zharinova N. Yu.
Holocene Landscapes and Climate in the Krasnoyarsk Forest Steppe in the Valley of the Kacha River P. 132 -146.
UDC (551.4+551.583.7)(282.256.3)(571.51)
DOI 10.37724/RSU.2022.77.4.014
Abstract. The article explores the dynamics of the mid- and late Holocene in the Krasnoyarsk forest steppe in the valley of the Kacha river. It investigates the “Sukhaya-1” peat deposits and employs such methods as spore-pollen analysis, botanical analysis, and radiocarbon dating. A low-lying peat bog is located in the interfluves of the Kacha and Sukhaya rivers, in the immediate vicinity of the village of Krutaya. A comprehensive study of peat deposits of the Sukhaya swamp massif made it possible to reconstruct paleoclimatic and paleolandscape conditions in the Holocene in the valley of the Kacha river. Based on the data of spore-pollen analysis and radiocarbon dating, it was established that the process of peat accumulation in this area had began in the Holocene. The basal horizons of loam containing plant remains formed more than 6,000 years ago. The main types of landscapes during the entire period of sediment accumulation were forest and forest steppe, as well as uplands surrounding this territory.
Keywords: landscapes, climate, Holocene, spore-pollen analysis, botanical analysis, radiocarbon dating, Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe.
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