Vorobyev A. Yu., Khalmuradov R. B., Balobina A. A., Kadyrov A. S.

Geomorphological Mapping of the Relief of the Republic of Turkmenistan           P. 147-162.

UDC 528.9(575.4)

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2022.77.4.015

Abstract. The authors of the article use the SRTM digital elevation data and the QGIS v. 3.4 data management to create maps of Turkmenistan. They analyze high resolution images made from space and digitalized versions of maps created decades ago to investigate types of morphosculpture and quaternary deposits. The quantitative analysis of mapping results enables the authors to prove already known  patterns and to discover elusive patterns characteristic of the morphological structure and quaternary deposits of the Republic of Turkmenistan.

Keywords: quaternary deposits, hypsometry, morphosculpture, Turkmenistan, SRTM, QGIS, geomorphological mapping.



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