Modin V. I.

Activities of local governments in Ryazan during the growing economic crisis n years 1990–1991 P. 70 –80.

UDC 94(470.313).084.9«1990/1991»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2023.78.1.007

Abstract. Nowadays, issues related to activities of local governments in the field of socio-economic development of their territories are most urgent, because the functioning of the administrative bodies is carried out simultaneously with the formation of a market economy. The paper gives special attention to transformation of the economy, as this is still a new trend and we lack experience in relations between city authorities and market entities on issues related to socio-economic development of the territory. The goal of the article is to show how local governments tried to overcome the difficulties of transition to a new system of relations between local authorities and enterprises and organizations. The article analyzes archival documents of the State Archives of the Ryazan Region, now first introduced to scientific research: minutes of sessions of the City Council of People’s Deputies for the period from 1990 to 1991. It should be noted that thanks to these documents, it became possible to trace the decline in economic growth in the USSR in the late 1980s and the divergence of sectoral management from regional interests, which gradually led to a decrease in the importance of Soviet Councils in economic and social construction activities.


Keywords: local administration, socio-economic development, territories of municipalities, economy.



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