Romanova G. I., Ryabtseva Yu. A.

Poetic world of A. I. Solzhenitsyn’s series, Krokhotki   Р. 134-140.

UDC 821.161.3-32.09«19»

DOI: 10.37724/RSU.2023.79.2.013

Abstract. The paper addresses such aspects of A. I. Solzhenitsyn’s series of miniatures, Krokhotki as the author’s poetic world, space and time, the plots, and the system of characters. The paper notes that the space of the cycle is discrete and fragmentary, and two layers are clearly distinguished in it: the one that is correlated with reality and a more general layer that is not connected with geographical space (like in the parable genre). The plot basis in the cycle is the spatial opposition of here – everywhere, corresponding to the opposition of the momentary to the eternal, is, which has an autobiographical basis: the author’s journey through Russia, mainly Ryazan Region. The main conflict lies in the conscious opposition of the patriot-intellectual to the official ideology, which requires citizens to express “universal satisfaction,” that is, an optimistic assessment of their life. The same conflict can be traced in the system of characters, where it is possible to single out groups of agents associated with a certain space. The picture of the world is presented in the cycle by the primary subject of speech, as close as possible to the author, his speech is sharply separated from the statements of other characters, but involves a dialogue with the understanding reader. The artistic specificity of Solzhenitsyn’s miniature stories, in particular features of a parable, moral instruction, and the author’s interest in using folk speech, are perceived by the modern reader in line with the literary tradition that manifested itself in L. N. Tolstoy’s stories written for the common folk.


Keywords: composition, literary tradition, space and time, system of characters, plot, poetic world, A. I. Solzhenitsyn, L. N. Tolstoy.




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