2010-№3(28) Article 9
I.V. Pakhomova
Ideas of love in R.M. Rilke’s essay «The testament». p.59-64
UDC 94 (410)
The paper centers on R.M. Rilke’s ideas of love expressed by the Austrian poet in her lyric essay «The Testament». The poet speaks about Russia saying that it was Russia that taught her to love the world. R.M. Rilke believes that a true artist is doomed to solitude, for an artist’s work is an artist’s lover. Creative work, as R.M. Rilke puts it, requires complete devotion and is much more important than one’s personal happiness. Love, according to the poet, is of the same nature as creativity, for both love and creativity aim at spiritual integrityreativity; to the poet, is creativity too, both love and creativity aim at coherence.
Russian literature of the late 19th– early 20th centuries, Austrian literature of the late 19th– early 20th centuries, Rainer Maria Rilke, Baladina Klossovskaya, «The Testament», gender issue, lyric essay.
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