Reent Yu. A.

Formation of Russian agricultural cooperation guided by party and state authorities (on the centenary of V. I. Lenin’s article On cooperation) P. 39 –47/

UDC 94(47).084.3

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2023.80.3.003

Abstract. The article discusses the transformation of attitudes towards organization of agricultural production, carried out under the influence of the “new economic policy” of the Soviet state in 1922. The national historical literature contains many studies of the formation and activities of various forms of cooperative associations. Nevertheless, in the modern period, we observe a certain weakening of interest in this theme. Meanwhile, the real significance of this form of economic management in the face of tougher international sanctions can and should increase. The object of the proposed study is the socio-political relations that developed in the process of developing agricultural cooperation in a number of regions of Central Russia in the early years of the NEP. The subject of the present research is the organizational and normative decisions of the Soviet state and party authorities, which characterize the processes of activity of grassroots structures of agricultural associations, cooperatives and communes. The aim of the paper is not only to fill in the gaps in the historical coverage of this issue, but also to revive interest in it on the part of researchers. The author believes that in modern conditions, the development of production forms of the cooperative movement should be used as a way to consolidate the population in rural areas. The results and conclusions drawn in the article can be used both in scientific and historical discourse, and adopted by institutions responsible for enhancing cooperative activities in the countryside.


Keywords: agrarian transformation, ideas of “cooperative socialism,” methods of state and party political influence, non-chernozem belt in the RSFSR, new economic policy, agricultural cooperation.



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