Tobratov S. A., Zheleznova O. S., Kostikova O. S., Shilkina Yu. N.

Analysis of influence of lowland relief on air currents in the atmospheric boundary layer (based on radio sounding data) P. 169 –189.

UDC 551.432.8:504.3

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2023.80.3.017


Abstract. The paper describes the landscapes of central Ryazan Region (the border of the Central Russian Upland, the Meshchera Lowland and the Oka-Don Plain, traced by the Oka floodplain), including the features, scaling, certain factors and potential ecological significance of changes in surface air flows due to morphostructures of the plain relief. The research employed data obtained during expeditions with radio sounding, as opposed to a more frequent method of mathematical modeling of atmospheric dynamics. The latter often yields unreliable results, due to inherent faults of the calculation schemes applied. We have launched two groups of radiosondes, considering weather conditions in a wide range of manifestations of atmospheric and geomorphological relationships. The second series of launches on the 11–12 of April, 2023 provided the most important data, as the low-gradient baric field was favorable due to heat advection from the southeast, higher and surface inversions, and genetic differences in air masses at different heights. We have established that lineaments (floodplain narrowings and valleys of tributaries of the Oka river) and intra-floodplain structures (remnants of floodplain terraces) do not only slow down air flows, but also channel them to form stable local trajectories of air masses, and their influence naturally changes at different heights in accordance with their morphology, the absolute height and orientation in space relative to the vectors of atmospheric forces. It is established that the scale and direction of the influence of the relief on air currents are determined by the circulation factor and change following the change in combinations of centers of atmospheric influence on a synoptic scale. This shows that it is most expedient to associate the upper boundary of the atmospheric boundary layer with the blocking layer next to the surface (the zone of decreasing vertical temperature gradients), and the vertical distribution of relative humidity recorded during radio sounding serves as an important indicator of the ecological and circulatory role of this layer.


Keywords: atmospheric migration of toxicants, morphostructures, remnants of floodplain terraces, atmospheric boundary layer, River Oka floodplain, radio sounding, topography of the Russian Plain.



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