Krivtsov V. A., Vodorezov A. V.

Typology of geomorphological areas on the territory of the Ryazan Region (based on the presence and range of anthropogenic transformation of the surface). Pp. 136–149.

UDC 551.4(470.313)

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2023.81.4.014


Abstract. The table presents the characteristics of geomorphological areas in the Ryazan Region, based on the presence and range of anthropogenic transformation of the land surface. The authors have developed
a typology of corresponding areas, taking into account the specific manifestation and range of anthropogenic transformation of the relief, originally formed by natural processes. For each area, we provide data on its size, the ratio of anthropogenic morphosculpture in % of the whole, and for further land types (arable land; settlements; railroads; paved and topsoil roads; quarries, dumps, and terraces; channels and ditches; reservoirs and ponds). The following types of areas are distinguished: 1) geomorphological areas with a pronounced dominant type of economic activity, characterized by the predominance of homogeneous anthropogenic morphosculpture on 40 % or more of the total area: a) agricultural areas, plowed on 80–95 % of the total area, practically without preserved natural surfaces in interfluves; b) agricultural areas, plowed 40–80 %, with preserved natural surfaces in interfluves; c) agricultural settlement areas, with settlements occupying more than 10 % of and plowed 40 %
or more; 2) geomorphological areas with complex polymorphic transformation of the natural surface by various types of economic activity, characterized by a complex spatial combination of anthropogenic relief forms with areas of anthropogenic morphosculptures, from 10 to 40 %: a) meliorative-mining-industrial areas; b) road-settlement-agricultural areas; c) mining-industrial-settlement-agricultural areas; d) road-settlement areas; 3) geomorphological areas with a predominance of slightly disturbed and untouched territories with an area of anthropogenic morphosculpture less than 10 %: a) with local foci of anthropogenic transformation of the surface occupying 5–10 %;
b) practically devoid of anthropogenic relief forms, with a total area less than 5 %.

A map is provided showing the areas of corresponding types and the features of their distribution in the Ryazan Region. The results obtained are of great importance for assessing the current state of regional landscapes and trends in the development of current relief-forming processes, including those triggered by human economic activity.


Keywords: anthropogenic morphosculpture, anthropogenic transformation of land surface, geomorphological terrain, geomorphological subregion, geomorphological region.



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