2024 №1 (82) Content



Maul V. Ya., Lazareva O. V. About the origin of Yemelyan Pugachev’s imposture (based on testimony of ataman Ivan Zarubin)


Zavyalova O. O. “The voice of a son of our fatherland”: P. A. Yurkevich-Litvinov and his letters to Alexander II in 1866 


Ryazanov S. M. Activities of Russian police in fighting infectious diseases in the second half of the 19th — early 20th centuries (based on materials from the Urals) P. 26 –


Makarova O. S. Transformation of the image of the enemy in Soviet propaganda at the final stage of the Great Patriotic War, September 1943 — May 1945 P. 36 –


Rudometova A. Yu., Kapitonova N. S., Kravchenko E. N. The formation of Chinese studies in Russia (18th–20th centuries) 


Mazarchuk D. V. Regional specialization of English diplomats -in late 15th and the first half of the 16th century


Abolmasov V. V., Malchikova S. P. The images of Japan and China in British press -during the Sino-Japanese War of 1894–1895 




Samodelova E. A. Bobyl and Druzhok by S. A. Yesenin: the main character as a social type  (issues of historical specifics of the writer’s folklorism)


Trofimova N. V. The rulers of Ancient Rus in M. V. Lomonosov’s works 


Smykovskaya T. E. Images of saints as an element of the sacred topos in A. I. Solzhenitsyn’s epic The Red Wheel  


Gavrich V. Axiology of nature in the context of the Russian path and the Kosovo Testament  (F. M. Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov and P. P. Njegos’s The Ray of the Microcosm)


Costa E. Translations of works by Marina Tsvetaeva in Italy


Novokreshchennykh I. A. Reception of Aubrey Beardsley’s work by H. G. Wells


Bodrova V. A. Comparative analysis of the images of the countryside and the city in Georges Perec’s essay Species of Spaces


Parfenova L. V. Differential features of the speech act of promise in the Russian language  –




Krivtsov V. A., Vodorezov A. V. General and specific features in the topology and relief-forming processes in the Ryazan part of the geomorphological regions of Volga-Oka lowlands


Bezgodova O. V. Altitudinal differentiation of riverbeds and valleys of minor rivers in the mountain-basin part of the Irkut River basin




Vasilyeva S. A., Erlikhson I. M. Enlightenment: watching the game from the outside (Review of the book: Krelenko N. S. Reflection of the cultural life of the Enlightenment in the letters, books and houses of Horace Walpole. Moscow, Direct-Media Publ., 2023. 264 p.)




Redkina N. S., Somova M. V. Anniversary XXV Olympiad on Russian speech culture for university students of non-linguistic departments


Reshetova A. A. For the Scholar’s anniversary


