Costa E.

Translations of works by Marina Tsvetaeva in Italy P. 119 -127.

UDC 821.161.1-1=131.1.09

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2024.82.1.012

Abstract. The purpose of the article is to trace the history and current state of translations of Tsvetaeva’s works into Italian. Particular attention is paid to the activities of three outstanding translators who proposed their own translation strategies: P. A. Tsveteremich, S. Vitale, and M. Rea. After the re-release in 1979 by the Feltrinelli Publisers of a collection of Tsvetaeva’s works translated by Tsveteremich, as well as after the First International Tsvetaeva Symposium (in the 1980s), Italy experienced a real boom of interest in Tsvetaeva’s work, which caused an intensification of translators’ activity. In the works of Serena Vitale, who turned to the poet’s works of various genres (lyrics, poems, dramas, prose), Tsvetaeva’s work acquired a “recognizable Italian voice.” Marilena Rea lists the difficulties that she had to face in the process of translation: these are Tsvetaeva’s deviations from the norms of language style, archaisms, folklore language, Tsvetaeva’s special rhythm and peculiarities of poetics.

Marina Tsvetaeva has been speaking Italian for several decades. Various translators have offered the Italian reader a number of poetic translations of her works, proving by this very fact the relevance of Tsvetaeva’s work in modern Italy. The interest of Italian translators in the poet’s work does not diminish: new translations appear every year, while the younger generation authors critically analyze previous translations and offer other options, trying to more fully present Tsvetaeva’s work. The article introduces a huge number of names of Tsvetaeva’s Italian translators and publishers into literary circulation and analyzes their contribution to Italian studies of Tsvetaeva.

Keywords: Italian translators, M. Rea, P. A. Tsveteremich, translation problems, S. Vitale, Tsvetaeva’s language.


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