Krivtsov V. A., Vodorezov A. V.

General and specific features in the topology and relief-forming processes in the Ryazan part of the geomorphological regions of Volga-Oka lowlands P. 164 –175.

UDC 551.43(470.313)

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2024.82.1.016


Abstract. The paper describes and compares data on the height of the surface of interfluves, the vertical and horizontal erosional dissection, the structure of the erosion network, the morphogenetic structure and features of the manifestation of modern exogenous processes, the nature and scale of the anthropogenic morpholithogenesis within the Ryazan territory of two geomorphological areas: the Oka-Klyazma and Meshchera Lowlands. These areas are a part of the subregion of the Volga-Oka Lowland. The materials obtained significantly expand our knowledge about these geomorphological areas and define their common features and differences, as well as the causes that determine them.

Keywords: geomorphological region, Meshchera Lowland, Kovrov-Kasimov plateau, morphogenetic structure of the relief, exogenous relief-forming processes, anthropogenic morpholithogenesis.




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